Non-Legal Strategy Sessions

Non-legal calls when you need some quick advice.

Schedule some time with me to chat about business ideas, negotiation strategies, mindset hurdles or anything else related to your business or professional goals.

Here are just a few examples of matters clients and I have worked on together:

  • Walk through how to structure an email to a client in order to negotiate a new fee or work dynamic.

  • Discuss how to approach a conversation with a business partner to create a working fee structure before signing an agreement.

  • Explore how to fashion a new professional or career opportunity in order that the client can lean into their strengths and value.

  • Think through how to negotiate for a better salary package from a potential employer.

What People Are Saying About Working with Amanda


“I just want to say thank you, the amount of confidence you gave me in an hour is invaluable during my upcoming negotiations, personally and professionally! I was timid and you were immediately welcoming and empowering. Thank you!”

— A negotiation workshop participant


“Amanda is a clear leader and her workshop a great resource for any woman looking to broaden their negotiation skills and realize their ambitions. Just listening to her cadence, she makes you want to jump out of your seat and ACT! You could not ask for a better mentor!”

— A negotiation workshop participant

“Smart, crisp, succinct advice and guidance presented in a way that speaks into the fogginess of negotiations.”

— A negotiation webinar participant


“Amanda had great infectious energy! She made me feel like anything was possible.”

— A negotiation workshop participant